Normal 0 0 1 632 3604 30 7 4425 11.1282 0 0 0 Twenty-threeyears ago, when the Cold War was still going on and Square Co. Ltd. firstreleased Final Fantasy forthe Famicom, the Ames Community School District hired an orchestra conductor.Although she herself had never had the opportunity to play in a schoolorchestra, she was given the task of conducting three elementary schools andboth the middle school and high school. With only 7 string players (and nobass) in her first high school orchestra, finding appropriate music was theleast of her troubles. Now itâs2009 and the high school orchestra has expanded to 12 times its original size.Square Enix is about to release Final Fantasy XIII (thatâs right, count âem) for the PS3 and the Soviet Union nolonger exists. Though a lot of things have changed, Mrs. Mary Kay Polashek isstill in Ames, conducting the Ames High Orchestra. Although it was probablyhard to imagine such a possibility back in 1987, the Orchestra has nowflourished to the point of overpopulation; 86 string players to be exact,including the freshmen. â[Theidea of Freshman Orchestra] came out of frustration of having so many stringplayers in a room,â Mrs. Polashek said. âOf feeling like we were too crowded. Lastyear we were having trouble moving around, and I donât know of any standardorchestra that has 86 string players. Thatâs usually the size of symphonicorchestra with all the wind, brass and percussion.â With 21freshmen currently in 9 th grade Orchestra and 5 others that willlikely rejoin after Marching Band season, they form what is possibly thelargest group of freshmen the Orchestra has ever had. Although thatâs a goodthing, itâs also harder for them to transition into the new routine. âI wantedan opportunity to work with those freshmen and get them the skills that wereneeded for the music we play,â Mrs. Polashek said. â[In freshman year, highschool orchestra is] a huge amount of work. Thereâs an hour or more of music inone concert. Iâm very pleased with how hard theyâre working, [but] I need toget them out of their shells and get them to play out a little more, pull moreof their own weight. Itâs bringing them in slowly.â âItâsbetter than middle school orchestra,â freshman Chris Merchant said. âThereâsbetter music, and weâre going to have more. In middle school we just had like twosongs the whole year. Now we have three songs for like the first three months,and then weâll add more later.â Anothergreat thing about this yearâs incoming freshman is the addition of another harpplayer. As some may know, Ames High was lucky enough to have Laurel Tuggle asthe resident harpist for the last four years. This year freshman Logan Therethas taken up that mantle, and although she wasnât part of the orchestra inmiddle school, sheâs been enjoying the high school experience. â[Thebest thing is] probably getting the new pieces,â Theret said. âI mean, itâskind of stressful, sight-reading, itâs the first time Iâve ever done it but thepieces are really nice and itâs kind of fun.â The restof the freshmen, already veterans of watching somebody wave a baton about, hada bit more to say about the differences between high school and middle schoolorchestra. âBasically,itâs the same routine every day,â freshman (and sole bassist) Tommy Pitchersaid. âBut weâre actually a lot better than last year even though itâs the samepeople. We practice like two and a half times more than we usually do, so weârepretty good now. Mostof the people want to be there so the people that were just like âmy mom mademe do itâ [have all left].â At firstglance the freshmen Orchestra is a little quieter and more focused than the10-12 Orchestra probably because theyâre still just trying to get used toeverything. They carry out Mrs. Polashekâs instructions without a momentâshesitation, rather unlike the upperclassmen. The respect is mutual though andthatâs all one really needs to run a successful orchestra. âMrs.Polashek is a really great teacher.â Theret said. âAny orchestra would be luckyto have her.â âTheyâreall working hard and I enjoy every single one of them,â Mrs. Polashek said ofthe freshmen. âIâm very excited about this opportunity. Itâs been a really funthing to do. Itâs also more work for me, but Iâm very happy doing it. I hopethat it continues to go really well and look forward to that first concert.â
Orchestra Fresher than ever
Diane Wang
September 18, 2009
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