Kyle Schaudt freshman band, ultimate frisbee, cross country Whatâs your favorite Pokemon and why? Machamp because he has four arms which is cool because heâs a karate dude… Never mind, heâs weird, he wears underwear all the time. What makes you different from the average freshman? I have curly hair. Oh, Iâm so clever. Whatâs your coolest talent? I tried whittling once. It sucked. That doesnât make any sense, I only said that because you said I whittled. If you were a superhero, what would your power be? The Green Arrow is my favorite superhero. He doesnât really have a power though, so that sucks. He just shoots arrows really straight. Youâre stuck in a video game! Who are you? Iâll be a mage from the College of Winterhold in Skyrim.
Kyle Schaudt is the coolest freshman ever
Kayla Schaudt
January 25, 2012
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