March 21, 2017
You get home from school head downstairs and tune in to the newest episode of Jeopardy, it’s game night and the popular choice is Monopoly but you really want to play trivial pursuit. Is your mind flooded with random facts that seem to be useless? If this sounds like you, you need to sign up for I-Quiz. One of Ames high’s finest, Jack Heikens and a seasoned I-Quiz veteran said:
“I think I-Quiz is a great opportunity for students to display knowledge they may not even know they possess in a semi casual yet still competitive setting. I-Quiz was a great experience and even though my team never quite came out on top, I had a fantastic time. Also I’m not mad at all about getting bounced in the first round of the tournament last year, it would be completely ridiculous for me to still be mad about that. #JackLivesMatter #TJSnaxx“
I-Quiz is a intramural Quiz Bowl league that takes place at ames high during second lunch. Quiz Bowl is pretty much just competitive trivia in a four versus four format. You will answer a variety of questions about subjects such as science, art, history, pop culture, and more. Teams sign up with a minimum of four players and compete throughout the spring in league play and the teams with the best records will move on to the playoffs which will be a single elimination tournament. The winner of championship will get their team name written on the back of the handcrafted I-Quiz trophy.
You don’t even have to be a genius trivia fanatic to enjoy I-Quiz. It is a ton of fun if you sign up with some good friends you will have an unforgettable amount of fun.
We are still in need of more teams! If you are interested in signing up you can email Mr. Lachen, Caleb Devick, or Me, Peter VanDerZanden. Or you can just type this link into your computer and fill out the formn! tinyurl.com/zyqss26