Joel’s senior column

Joel Devick, Staff Reporter

I once heard a quote back when I was a tiny freshman. This quote forever changed how I think. It maybe didn’t change my psyche as much as it seems to anyone else, but it runs through my head at least once everyday. It goes as such:

“You’ll worry a lot less about what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do.”

For years, especially in high school, I’ve always craved to fit in or be a part of the popular crowd or whatever it was called. All through this time, I had this quote in the back of my mind. I think I finally realized this year, however, why it was always on my brain.

It’s important to know yourself, be confident in yourself, and just plain be yourself. That’s probably a good description of life to be honest. After all, you are the only person you have to live with in the end. If all your time is spent just trying to please other people over yourself, putting their wants above yours, or not investing in yourself, then you are just wasting your time.

High school is meant to be an experience, but it is also meant to be a launchpad for the future. I was given the opportunity to find my interests, what excites me, and above all, what makes me tick while here at Ames High School, and I’ll be eternally grateful for that. It’s a great school. I regret a few small things, but nothing major, and I think everyone deserves to have that feeling when crossing the stage at commencement.

I guess what I’m trying to say here is you shouldn’t get tripped up or bogged down by what other people say or think of you. Cliché, I know, but very important. Once that happens, it really is a burden off your shoulders, and life gets a whole lot easier. High school should be cherished, but we should know that it’s all a part of a bigger picture.