Jolie Blackburn sits behind her computer, a small idea that appeared in the middle of the night ready
to blossom into a full story with interesting characters, intense descriptions, and an intricate plot. Her fingers flutter across the keyboard, and an elaborate tale appears on the screen. After many
more drafts, it will be done- maybe. Jolie Blackburn is a freshman at Ames High School who loves to write, but not just for fun. Writing is more than fun for Blackburn, it’s a creative outlet.

“I’m writing a story that I’ve been writing since I was in seventh grade. This is the one where I keep
making these different versions of the same plot,” Blackburn explained.
Some people write for fame or just for fun. But Blackburn uses writing as an outlet to clear her
“I think I write just to get all of these scenarios out of my mind and just have them written down
somewhere,” Blackburn said.
Writing a good story can be hard, but it’s important to not get stuck. Blackburn has experienced writer’s
block many times, and she has found a way to get past it and not hold on to failure.
“Listen to what your mind tells you to do. Don’t look back on your drafts, because they’re just drafts,” Blackburn advised.
Characters are an important part of a story. Creating good ones that the reader can understand and relate to is important, and Blackburn uses her own experiences to develop and improve her characters
and reflect on herself.
“I feel that life experiences mainly affect the characters that you include. I have this one
character who is main character, her name is Octavia. I think that she’s mainly inspired off of my
experiences,” Blackburn described.

Even though Blackburn is constantly writing and creating new stories, she also struggles with perfectionism. But she doesn’t let that stop her from improving. Getting better at what she loves is
important to Blackburn, and she won’t stop refining her stories until they reach the bar she has set.
“There’s this one story that I’ve been working on for a really long time, but I keep hitting the roadblocks.
I keep remaking it, but right now I think I have a version that might work,” Blackburn said.
Jolie Blackburn loves to write, and it’s easy to see why. She knows how to use writing as a resource
for herself, and as a way to reflect. She has some advice for aspiring writers, too.
“Take a break from what you’re currently writing. Try writing something else for a little bit, and also read a lot of fantasy books so you can get inspiration,” said Blackburn.