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The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


Join The WEB

There are two different avenues to joining The Web:

  1. Tradition Route (CAN attain leadership position through this route)
    • Enroll in Introduction to Journalism
      • Introduction to Journalism is a semester long course first eligible to students their sophomore year
    • AFTER taking Introduction to Journalism enroll in Advanced Journalism the semester after completing Introduction to Journalism
      • The Web meets as Advanced Journalism and students enrolled are automatically considered staff members
  2. Non-Traditional Route (CANNOT attain leadership position through this route)
    • The Web meets WEDNESDAYS right after school in Darin Johnson’s room (2620)
      • Club members are considered contributors to The Web and are not seen as staff members
    • All freshman or Introduction to Journalism students interested in becoming part of The Web are highly encouraged to come to club meetings

Please email Darin Johnson ([email protected]) or Chantal Eulenstein ([email protected]) with questions.

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