Why You Should Join the Boys Soccer Team

Sabrina Lang, Reporter

If you’ve ever wondered if joining the boys soccer team was for you, here are some factors that may help you decide. I had the pleasure of talking with seniors Michael Hegelheimer and Josh Engelken. Now, being a girl who played soccer once when she was ten, I had no idea what soccer entailed. So I asked the boys what a typical practice consists of.

“We show up, Michael shows up late, we do our warm ups, run a couple laps, stretch, and come together as a team,” Josh jokes, “but seriously, don’t be late.”

The boys made it very clear punctuality is very important. “We also play small games and go over strategy.. offense and defense,” Michael says.

They then explained to me how preseason works. Preseason is optional, and try outs are after winter break. “Preseason is helpful when you can’t play soccer all year ‘round like Michael,” Josh says, “and when you do another sport part of the year like me. I also play football.” Preseason helps get back into the roll of all things soccer and gives freshmen a taste of what they got coming. Try outs are after spring break, and preseason isn’t necessary, but is recommended.

After hearing “then we do laps” for the millionth time, I asked about how much running they do. “Zmolek says we may not be the most skilled, but we will be the best conditioned. And he means it,” says Josh.

As close as Josh and Michael seemed to be, I wondered about the relationship of the whole team. “I’ve never really had a problem with anyone,” Josh says.

“We get mad at each other on the field. But iron sharpens iron,” says Michael.

I asked the boys what they would want someone who was interested in joining the soccer team to keep in mind. Josh says,“You should show up on time, work hard, and be humble.” Michael also came in with some words of wisdom, “If you’re not going to try to be better, why come?”

“Oh, and you get a great beach body. Spring break is just around the corner,” jokes Josh. “And odds are, you’re going to get girls.” These boys push themselves, support each other and do their best while being backed up by their stellar coach, Mr. Zmolek. Why would you not want to join the soccer team? It has so much to offer.