Dr. Numedahl discusses how the new attendance policy works and how it might affect students if they don’t attend school. Meanwhile he does his best keeping students in the building, its hard when it comes to keeping track of hundreds of students at a time, this new policy helps him and staff members to have an easier time keeping track of students.
What is the purpose of tracking school attendance?
The new Iowa law, Senate File 2435, defines chronic absenteeism as missing 10 percent of days in a semester. It requires school districts to adopt a policy related to absenteeism and truancy. In Ames it falls under School Board Policy 503.1.
How does school attendance impact a student’s academic performance?
Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school, or about 18 days in most school districts, negatively affects a student’s academic performance. That’s just two days a month and that’s known as chronic absence. When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating.
What are the common methods schools use to record attendance?
The main way attendance is recorded is with Infinite Campus. Dr. Numedahl will pull a report daily to look for patterns and frequency.
How do schools handle absenteeism due to illness?
A student who is absent due to illness is an excused absence but according to the new law file 2435 it will still count as an absence.
What are the typical policies regarding excused and unexcused absences?
Under the new law there are very few exceptions for an excused absence, such as illness or attending a college class or participation in a sponsored event.
How do schools manage attendance for students who are frequently late?
Tardies are generally dealt with by the classroom teacher. If there are continued problems then the administration will step in.
What role do parents play in maintaining their child’s attendance?
Parents play a critical role in making sure the child is attending school. With the new law parents can be contacted by the county attorney in extreme absenteeism. This will generally only happen when multiple attempts are made to contact parents by the school.
How do schools address chronic absenteeism and its underlying causes?
We do try to find the underlying cause and seek out ways to help students get to school
What are the consequences for students with excessive absences?
It starts with a conversation with the student and parent notification. It then leads to a conversation with the parents. A plan is put in place with the student with additional consequences warranted.
How can technology help in monitoring and improving school attendance?
Infinite Campus is used to keep track of students’ attendance. We can also use the camera system in the building to see if students are in areas where they should not be.
What are some best practices for schools to communicate attendance expectations to students and parents?
The District is currently working on policies to align more closely with the new requirements.
How can schools balance the need for strict attendance policies with the need to accommodate students with special circumstances?
Accommodations will be made for special circumstances such as a lengthy illness
Extra information
Dr. Numedahl explains that the new law is not designed to be punitive. Being successful in school and beyond starts with showing up everyday and being on time. “I also want to encourage students to reach out if they are having issues with attendance or anything else that is affecting their everyday lives. We want all students to thrive here and help remove any barriers we can.”