Get your fiber on

With a name that conjures up images of students munching on cereal, Fiber Club is not what one might expect. Its members sit scattered around Mrs. Dobernecker’s classroom, caught up in their work: one girl knitting a scarf, another is sewing, and others are wrapped up in crafts that look dangerously difficult. One thing brings the diverse group of students together: a love for creating.

“We started as a crocheting and knitting club and then gradually branched out,” junior Jasmine Ambrosio said. Known as the group’s “poster person,” Ambrosio designs the posters that now adorn members’ lockers.

Two other students help to lead the group. Junior Chelsea Bowers coordinates events and announcements while sophomore Anna Tibben runs the group’s website.

Fiber Club has existed since 2010 with Mrs. Dobernecker as its sponsor. Most of the yarn used for projects is brought in by staff members and students. “We’re very grateful for all the donations we receive,” Dobernecker said. “This year alone we’ve been able to teach at least six people to knit and several others have learned how to make friendship bracelets.”

The club meets every Wednesday after school in Mrs. Dobernecker’s room, ready to tackle the newest project. This year, students are working on their own individual projects and saving their scraps of yarn to add what is fondly known as the “nub scarf.”

“It’s a scarf made of pieces of pieces of our projects,” explained Tibben. “Eventually, we want it to be long enough to wrap around the room.”

If knitting a scarf big enough to cover a classroom sounds too intimidating to a first-time craft maker, other activities are available. “We have a cross-stitcher, a sewer, and an embroiderer as well,” Mrs. Dobernecker said. “The group is very diverse and accepting.”

The members were quick to add that no background in knitting or crocheting is necessary and all are welcome. “We’d love to have more guys join,” Ambrosio said. “You don’t need to know how to knit to come.”

At this, the other members added, as if on cue, “Get your fiber on!”