Kristin Szuda

October 7, 2015
Born in Illinois, 14 year old Kristin Szuda takes on high school with ease.
Her favorite class is Science with Ms. Edster.
“I thought it would be hard to find my classes, but I actually got around pretty easy.” says Kristin about the enormous Ames High School. She also participates in Spectrum and Sheph.
“I want to help other people and make a difference” said Szuda.
When Kristin isn’t saving the world and helping others, her hobbies consist of singing and listening to Fall Out Boy, since she is a die hard fan. While talking about her hair, she managed to swing in a Fall Out Boy reference. “I can’t put my hair up without it falling out– boy.”
Kristin also enjoys poetry, Glee, and Converse shoes. She’s never been late to class or had detention. Being a very practical girl, Kristin likes to paint her nails black, and is a dog person.
“I like my nails black like my soul, and I just like dogs.”
When she grows up and heads to college, she wants to either be in a band, or be a marine biologist, rescuing aquatic animals. Kristin is a very passionate and straightforward girl, who faces her problems head on.
If you’re looking for someone who will be honest with you, Kristin is your girl.