Logic – The Incredible True Story

December 14, 2015
Only 1 year after releasing his debut album Under Pressure, Logic comes back as strong as ever with his sophomore album The Incredible True Story. The album consists of 14 actual songs and 4 skits which play into the storyline the album creates. While the album only totals 1 hour including the skits, Logic definitely makes the most of his time with his fantastic lyrical style.
The album is unique in that it creates its own plot line using not only the skits in the album, but also the lyrics as you’ll hear Logic reference the 2014 film Interstellar with lines such as “Feelin’ like Matthew Mcconaughey on an Interstellar mission”. The album follows a storyline that takes place in the future with characters Quentin Thomas and William Kai travelling through space on a rocketship, hence the Interstellar references. They reflect on the past, which is a world where Logic becomes one of the greatest rappers of all time. The storyline adds to the meaning of the album, but the real reason you should all buy this album is definitely the music.
Starting with the songs “Fade Away” and “Upgrade”, Logic immediately shows off why many people regard him as one of the best lyricists in the rap game right now. His unique style meshes well with the beats produced creating a fantastic flow.
Logic then gets into some more passionate music with his songs such as “I Am the Greatest”, and “Young Jesus”. Logic gives himself a lot of self praise because it seems nobody else is giving him that praise. These songs are directed at the people who told him he couldn’t make it in the industry. He targets them with lyrics like “It’s like they never heard the words that came up out my mouth. It’s like they wanna discredit what I’m all about.”
After the series of impassioned songs, Logic backs off and slows down a little bit. He begins to focus more on himself as a person. “City of Stars” was written to show that you should do things you enjoy regardless of what people think of you.
Before the conclusion, he starts talking about how he’s on top of the rap game in “Run It,” ending the song with “Be above it ‘less you’re thinking your profession gon’ be rap matter fact you should take a step back cause I run it,” referring to the rap game.
This is one of the few albums I’ve listened to where I can’t name a bad song on the entire album. It’s clear since Logic’s climb to fame after Under Pressure and now with The Incredible True Story that everybody should get used to him because he’s here to stay. I would highly recommend you take an hour out of your free time to sit down and listen to this album; it’s that good.