Let’s just not

March 7, 2016
I’m insanely disappointed in Ames High students. I witnessed all the feedback from Joel and Shelby’s articles from last month’s edition of the WEB. There were people calling them out on twitter and instagram.
On instagram, Joel’s article was accused of attacking the prom committee. Which is not what he was doing, at all. It was one person’s article. One person’s opinion. Why can’t students respect that? Why does it have to be a big deal? We support and promote the prom committee.
I enjoyed Shelby’s article because she went from both sides of the controversy of dress code. Her article was respectful and well written. In her article she says “Yeah okay honey I have seen teachers tell guys countless times to pull up their pants.” She’s referring to the accusation of sexism in the dress code and how some girls may think that they are the only ones the dress code applies to. I then saw Shelby and her article get disrespected on twitter. I was very surprised to see this. “@ClaraJensen15: okay “honey” that was a poorly written article and I’m sorry that you dress like a mom.”
I was so disappointed to read that tweet. My mom was always said to me that what you put on the internet is out there for anyone to see. What if a parent or someone outside of the school saw this tweet from one student to another? It reflects poorly on us as a whole school. The disrespect between students needs to end. It was an opinion article.The WEB staff does their best to make their point respectfully in hopes of being in hopes others will do the same.