Yoga and Stretching Club

April 1, 2016
There are many clubs at Ames High, from gardening to volunteering and feminism to business. But, there is a new club taking Ames High by storm, Yoga and Stretching Club. This club is relaxed and fun way to limber up and meet some new friends.
This club started the week after spring break and meets every Wednesday after school in room 229. Freshman Nicole Cho said, “I really REALLY enjoy yoga club! It’s such a blast and it’s the highlight of my week! I love meeting all the new people who love to stretch and spend their time relaxing! Namaste!”
This club doesn’t have a strict regimen of silent stretching. It has a fun environment of laughing and talking with your friends. The club starts off with basic stretches to get you loosened up and then develops into some easy yoga poses, with a few challenges at the end.
Junior and Co-founder Emma VanRyswyk said, “Yoga is a fun way to exercise your body and relax your mind. It’s a healthy alternative to going straight home from school and crashing in front of the TV. Every week is filled with different exercises so it will never be boring! We understand everyone has a busy schedule so if you can only come for the first half that’s ok!”
AHS Yoga and Stretching Club has an active twitter account that can be found at @AHSyogaclub. The account will tweet club reminders, great quotes and club pictures. Senior Joey Stohlmeyer tweeted, “Feel super loose and relaxed now! Thanks @AHSyogaclub!!!”
In this relaxed environment you can learn a few fun stretches, new yoga poses and make some new friends. If you are stiff as a board or limber as a rag there will always be benefits of stretching and we hope to see you there!