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The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


The Hunger Games Book Review

The Hunger Games Book Review

Lauren Gilligan, Reporter February 13, 2019

I decided to do a book review over The Hunger Games  by Suzanne Collins. It came out back in 2008, yet I only read it this past school year. It was a lovely discovery. I have not been able to find any...

Iron Thorn in my side

Iron Thorn in my side

Kate Murray, Staff Reporter November 26, 2014

In case you’ve forgotten, I choose what books to read based on the cover art and how steampunk the title font is.  I was skeptical of The Iron Thorn, by Caitlin Kittredge, because though it had a sufficiently...

Books make nice hats.

A Natural History of Dragons

Kate Murray, Staff Reporter September 30, 2014

Ahem.  Dragons.  This book contains dragons, and if I didn’t have to write a full length article, I would leave my review at that.  However, since I do, there are a few other things I would like to...

The String Diaries

The String Diaries

Lauren Gentile, Opinion Editor September 2, 2014

Stephen Lloyd Jones’ horror novel “The String Diaries” originally seemed to be the literary equivalent of Fox News. It’s not for everyone. I knew this from the start; horror novels are not usually...

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