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The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


The student newspaper of, by, and for Ames High School.


My Ames High takeover

My Ames High takeover

Kub Stevens, Co-editor in chief May 9, 2016

Stage a media event in order to express my absolute dominance of the Ames High school building, including staff, administration, and fellow students. Stage a coup in order to make it very clear who is...

Reality of high school relationships

Reality of high school relationships

Sabrina Lang, Reporter March 7, 2016

Relationships in high school are definitely a tricky topic. I, myself, have been happily in a relationship for the past two and a half years. A lot of times I get “Awh, you and your boyfriend are so...

Let's just not

Let’s just not

Sabrina Lang, Reporter March 7, 2016

I’m insanely disappointed in Ames High students. I witnessed all the feedback from Joel and Shelby’s articles from last month’s edition of the WEB. There were people calling them out on twitter and...

Does Ames High get high?

Does Ames High get high?

Kub Stevens, Features editor April 15, 2015

Since its inception in the 1930’s, the motto “Ames Hi Aims High” has been both a rallying cry and a description, encouraging current students to be all they can be and recognizing the accomplishments...

Letter from an irate instrument

Letter from an irate instrument

Kaleb Stevens, Features Editor January 14, 2015

Everyone knows how it feels to be under-appreciated. The lineman who worked his butt off all game long but got no cheers for it. The quiet kid in the presentation group who put together the entire presentation...

A cataclysmic movement at Ames High

A cataclysmic movement at Ames High

Kub Stevens, Features Editor January 14, 2015

Ames High is a school with something for everyone. Clubs cater to a wide range of interests, and if you can’t find what you’re looking for, it’s easy to start a club of your own. Unfortunately, having...

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