New Drum Major

Srishti Mathur, Reporter

At the end of the school year, many processes are done to ensure the leaders of next year. One notable change in leadership takes place in the marching band. With Senior Drum Major Caleb Lister graduating, the spot for drum major was open. 13 sophomore band members decided to take up the challenge to become the next drum major. After various training from whistling to conducting, the 13 were narrowed down to a final three, all of whom conducted the band. The band voted, and it was decided. Julia White would be the next drum major.

She became interested in being drum major in 6th grade, when she learned that Mr. Thompson was the drum major for Iowa State. Her interest was further increased when she went to an Ames High football game in eighth grade and saw Stephanie Shin conducting the band. Throughout her marching band career here at Ames High, she continued to grow interested in being drum major as she realized her confidence and enjoyment during marching.

Being drum major isn’t just about being good at marching. It also involves conducting, whistling, and mace work. Most importantly though, it requires being a good leader. “When the drum major training started, I found myself helping others and I had strong passion in everything I was doing.” Julia says. “I had an overwhelming feeling of pride and happiness, and it was really cool knowing everyone in the band was watching and following me.” she said in regard to her final audition. Many people in the band are excited to have Julia’s poise and confidence lead them through marching for the next two year.