Letting Go of The Hulk Stigma
November 8, 2016
After school weights is an opportunity for anyone to come in and lift while doing a structured program. It takes place on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 3:20 PM and it is about an hour long. It is an extension of the weightlifting that takes place in PE. The weightlifting that takes place in PE is sometimes not enough for some students and after school weights is an opportunity to lift more. The goal of afterschool weights is to increase your strength and stamina and to become a better athlete or just more physically fit.
The general crowd that is attracted to afterschool weights is about 80% athletes and about 20% people who are interested in physical fitness, but anyone is welcome to come. On average about 25 people attend the before school weights and about 50 people attend the after school weights, but it ultimately depends on the season. Afterschool weights has a higher intensity and a stronger focus on weight lifting. Therefore is a bit more difficult than regular PE. “In school, PE is what you make it and after school weights is what we make it.” Added PE teacher and coach Mr. Rial.
One of the positive things about afterschool weights is that if you come in and lift all 3 days: Monday, Wednesday and Friday before or after school you can use your in school PE class during the day as a study hall. Another positive thing about afterschool weights is that there is a great sense of community, and you gain strength and athleticism. Another very good thing about afterschool weights is that the program and expertise you’re receiving here through the after school weights program is free, whereas if you were to go to a private business you would pay at a minimum $100 a month. Plus Coach Rial and Coach Fecht care more about your well-being than a business does. One of the negative things about afterschool weights is that the crowd can be quite overwhelming. Sometimes the amount of people there is so big that it is a turn off. “We have one of the largest weight rooms in the state and sometimes it still isn’t big enough.” Added Coach Rial. Another negative about afterschool weights is the stigma surrounding it. A lot of people believe that if you come to afterschool weights and you work out hard you will be magically transformed into some hulk-like figure, well that is just simply wrong. “You will become your best self, you will become more physically fit.” added Coach Rial.