The Worst Senior Column Ever
May 17, 2017
Honestly, I do not know what to say, which is odd because I always have an opinion. Basically high school means nothing, it’s sort of a glorified babysitting experience. You make friends but eventually you drift apart. You spend eight hours a day learning things that are a) not interesting to you and b) probably not useful to you. After four years of going through the motions, I have finally reached “the end”. I did not mean for this to sound so negative, I actually had a great time during high school. High school has been filled with plenty of fun times that I will remember forever. Ames High has given me opportunities that I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else. However, I am excited to move on with my life. If you are reading this, I hope that you are not expecting a well-written article filled with useful tips because I am not capable of something like that. But, I have created a random list 10 of things that I have learned throughout the past four years.
- Khan academy and sparknotes can get you through ANYTHING
- Take AP Lit. You learn a lot of things that will help you in the future
- Stressing is pointless because it won’t change the outcome of anything
- If you do stress, whatever the subject is probably won’t matter in a year
- Darin Johnson is the funniest teacher to grace the halls of ames high. Don’t @ me.
- You think about yourself way more than anyone else ever will
- A good friend will give you rides, bring you food, and ALWAYS share their homework with you in times of need
- 60-70% of the things I learned will never be useful to me after May 28th
- Varsity sports are overrated. JV is where the real fun is.
- The main hallway is a gold mine of really good teachers
I apologize that this senior column is terrible but I needed the points for this assignment. Thank you. Goodbye.